library(DiceKriging) N <- 200 #nb of points in the trajectory x <- seq(0,1,length.out=N) dist_all <- as.matrix(dist(x)) n <- 10 # simulation of n trajectories Z1 <- matrix(rnorm(N*n),N,n) # simulation of a gaussian centred vector # with covariance matrix identity f0 = rep(0,N) # gaussian covariance sig2 <- 0.5 theta <- 0.05 ## theta <- 0.2 lambda <- 10^(-10) cov = sig2*(exp(-(dist_all/theta)^2) + lambda * diag(1,N)) # cov between x Z2 <- matrix(0,N,n) for (i in 1:n){ Z2[,i] <- f0+t(chol(cov))%*%Z1[,i] } plot(x,Z2[,1], main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with gaussian covariance and theta =',theta),type='l',ylim=c(min(Z2),max(Z2))) for (i in 2:n) lines(x,Z2[,i],col=i) # exponential covariance sig2 <- 0.5 theta <- 0.05 cov <- sig2*exp(-(dist_all/theta)) Z2 <- Z1 for (i in 1:n) Z2[,i] <- f0+t(chol(cov))%*%Z1[,i] plot(x,Z2[,1], main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with exponential covariance and theta =',theta),type='l',ylim=c(min(Z2),max(Z2))) for (i in 2:n) lines(x,Z2[,i],col=i) # gaussian covariance with nugget effect sig2 <- 0.5 theta <- 0.2 lambda <- 0.05 cov <- sig2*(exp(-(dist_all/theta)^2) + lambda * diag(1,N)) Z2 <- Z1 for (i in 1:n) Z2[,i] <- f0+t(chol(cov))%*%Z1[,i] plot(x,Z2[,1], main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with gaussian covariance and theta =',theta),type='l',ylim=c(min(Z2),max(Z2))) for (i in 2:n) lines(x,Z2[,i],col=i) ##### or with DiceKriging type <- "exp" coef <- c(theta = 0.05) sigma <- 0.5 model <- km(design=x, response=rep(0,N),coef.trend = 0,covtype=type, coef.cov=coef, coef.var=sigma) Z2 <- simulate(model, nsim=10, newdata=NULL) plot(x,Z2[1,], main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with exponential covariance and theta =',theta),type='l',ylim=c(min(Z2),max(Z2))) for (i in 2:n) lines(x,Z2[i,], main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with exponential covariance and theta =',theta)) type <- "gauss" lambda <- 10^(-10) # diagonal term to outperform the conditioning of the covariance matrix model <- km(design=x, response=rep(0,N),coef.trend = 0,covtype=type, coef.cov=coef, coef.var=sigma,nugget=lambda) Z2 <- simulate(model, nsim=10, newdata=NULL) plot(x,Z2[1,], main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with exponential covariance and theta =',theta),type='l',ylim=c(min(Z2),max(Z2))) for (i in 2:n) lines(x,Z2[i,], main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with exponential covariance and theta =',theta)) d = 2 # inputs space dimension N_dim = 50 # nb of points in each dimension of the inputs space N_tot = N_dim^d x <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0,1,length.out=N_dim),seq(0,1,length.out=N_dim))) mu <- 0 sig2 <- 0.5 dist1 <- as.matrix(dist( x[,1] )) dist2 <- as.matrix(dist( x[,2] )) # isotropic Gaussian covariance theta = 0.1 lambda <- 10^(-10) # diagonal term to outperform the conditioning of the covariance matrix cov = sig2*(exp(-((dist1/theta)^2 +(dist2/theta)^2))+ lambda * diag(1,N_tot)) f0 = x %*% c(0,0) n <- 1 # simulation of n trajectories Z1 <- matrix(rnorm(N_tot*n),N_tot,n) # simulation of a centred gaussian vector with covariance matrix identity Z2=f0+t(chol(cov))%*%Z1 # then linear transformation par(mfrow=c(1,1)) filled.contour(matrix(Z2,N_dim,N_dim),main=paste('Simulation trajectoires PG de covariance gaussienne isotrope avec theta =', theta),color.palette=heat.colors) # anisotropic gaussian covariance theta1 = 0.1 theta2 = 0.03 cov = sig2*(exp(-((dist1/theta1)^2 +(dist2/theta2)^2)) + lambda * diag(1,N_tot)) f0 = x %*% c(0,0) Z2=f0+t(chol(cov))%*%Z1 # then linear transformation filled.contour(matrix(Z2,N_dim,N_dim),main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with anisotropic gaussian covariance and theta1 =', theta1,'& theta2=',theta2),color.palette=heat.colors) # anisotropic exponential covariance cov = sig2*exp(-(dist1/theta1 + dist2/theta2)) f0 = x %*% c(0,0) Z2=f0+t(chol(cov))%*%Z1 # then linear transformation filled.contour(matrix(Z2,N_dim,N_dim),main=paste('Simulation of GP trajectories with anisotropic exponential covariance and theta1 =', theta1,'& theta2=',theta2),color.palette=heat.colors) rm(list=ls(all.names=TRUE)) library(lhs) library(DiceKriging) library(DiceView) ######################## Learning basis and test basis ########################## N_BA = 15 ## Number of points in the learning sample (BA) d = 1 ## Dimension of the inputs space S_BA = optimumLHS(N_BA,d) ## Simulation os the learning basis BA by optimized LHS => use the function optimumLHS N_BT = 100 ### Number of points in the test basis S_BT = seq(0,1,length.out=N_BT) ### Simulation of an initial test basis ## S_BT : inputs for the test basis ## Y_BT : output of the emulator fx_exo2 <- function(X) sin(30*(X-0.9)^4)*cos(2*(X-0.9)) + (X-0.9)/2 Y_BA <- fx_exo2(S_BA) ## Y_BA : output of the emulator on the learning basis BA Y_BT <- fx_exo2(S_BT) ## Y_BT :output of the emulator on the test basis BT plot(S_BT,Y_BT,type='l') points(S_BA,Y_BA,pch=3,col=2) legend("topright",y=c(0.17,0.33),c('Theoretical function','Pts in the learning basis'),lty=c(1,0), pch=c(-1,3),col=c(1,2),cex=0.8) library(DiceKriging) metamodel <- km(formula=~1,design=S_BA,response=Y_BA,covtype="matern5_2") # Construction of the Gaussian Process emulator prediction <-,S_BT,'UK',checkNames=FALSE) # Prediction of the metamodel on the test basis => use of the function par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(S_BT,Y_BT,type='l',main='Estimation of f by the GP metamodel') points(S_BA,Y_BA,pch=3,col='red') lines(S_BT,prediction$mean,col='blue') lines(S_BT,prediction$lower95,col='blue',lty=2) lines(S_BT,prediction$upper95,col='blue',lty=2) plot(S_BT,prediction$sd,type='l',main="sqrt(MSE) of the estimation") library(DiceView) # with DiceView par(mfrow=c(2,1)) sectionview(metamodel) plot(S_BT,prediction$sd,type='l',main="sqrt(MSE) of the estimation") #### Computation of Q2 on BT #### # Building of the function allowing to compute Q2 Q2 <- function(y,yhat) 1-mean((y-yhat)^2)/var(y) Q2_BT <- Q2(Y_BT,prediction$mean) # Computation of Q2 on the test basis #### Display of the results #### print(paste('Number of points in the learning sample :',N_BA)) print(paste('Inputs space dimension :',d)) print(paste('Q2 on the test basis :',Q2_BT)) #### Optional part #### ## Computation of the likelihood and optimization of hyperparameters x <- seq(0.01,1,length=1000) y <- sapply(x,logLikFun,model=metamodel) plot(x,y,type='l',main='Log-likelihood with respect to theta') theta_optim <- x[which.max(y)] # Identification of optimal theta theta_optim ## Step 3 : adaptive construction of the design of experiments par(mfrow=c(2,1)) sectionview(metamodel,xlim=c(0,1)) plot(S_BT,prediction$sd,type='l',main="sqrt(MSE) of the estimation") ## Adaptive design : one iteration maxi <- which.max(prediction$sd) # Research of the point where MSE is maximal points(S_BT[maxi],prediction$sd[maxi],pch=16,col=3) S_BA2 <- rbind(S_BA,S_BT[maxi]) # add the new point to the learning basis BA Y_BA2 <- c(Y_BA,fx_exo2(S_BT[maxi])) # add the corresponding output Y metamodel2 <- km(formula=~1,design=S_BA2,response=Y_BA2,covtype="matern5_2") # Update the GP metamodel prediction2 <-,S_BT,'UK',checkNames=FALSE) # Update the predictions and the MSE of the metamodel # Display of the results par(mfrow=c(2,1)) sectionview(metamodel2) plot(S_BT,prediction2$sd,type='l',main="sqrt(MSE) of the estimation when adding one point") points(S_BT[maxi],prediction2$sd[maxi],pch=16,col=3) ## Adaptive design : Automation of the process nIte <- 15 for (i in 1:nIte){ maxi <- which.max(prediction2$sd) # Research of the point where MSE is maximal S_BA2 <- rbind(S_BA2,S_BT[maxi]) # add the new point to the learning basis BA Y_BA2 <- c(Y_BA2,fx_exo2(S_BT[maxi])) capture.output(metamodel2 <- km(formula=~1,design=S_BA2,response=Y_BA2,covtype="matern5_2")) # Update the GP metamodel prediction2 <-,S_BT,'UK',checkNames=FALSE) # Update predictions and MSE # Affichage par(mfrow=c(2,1)) sectionview(metamodel2) plot(S_BT,prediction2$sd,type='l',main="sqrt(MSE) wahen adding one point") points(S_BT[maxi],prediction2$sd[maxi],pch=16,col=3) Sys.sleep(2) } Q2_BTnew <- Q2(Y_BT,prediction2$mean) library(lhs) ######################## learning basis and test basis ########################## N_BA = 80; ## Number of points in the learning basis d = 2; ## Inputs space dimension S_BA = optimumLHS(N_BA,d); ## Construction of the learning basis ## Y_BA : outputs of the emulator N_BT_dim = 70; N_BT = N_BT_dim^2; ### Number of points in the test basis S_BT_dim <- seq(0,1,length.out=N_BT_dim) S_BT <- expand.grid(S_BT_dim,S_BT_dim) ### Construction of an initial test basis ## S_BT : inputs in the test basis ## Y_BT : corresponding emulator's outputs schwefel <- function(x){ x2 <- x*400-200 rowSums(-x*sin(sqrt(abs(x2)))) } Y_BA <- schwefel(S_BA) Y_BT <- schwefel(S_BT) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) filled.contour(S_BT_dim,S_BT_dim,matrix(Y_BT,N_BT_dim,N_BT_dim),main='Function Schwefel',xlab='X1',ylab='X2',color.palette=heat.colors, plot.axes={points(S_BA[,1],S_BA[,2],pch=3)}) library(DiceKriging) metamodel <- km(design=S_BA,response= Y_BA, covtype="matern3_2") # ###### Prediction on BT with GP metamodel ####### predictions_BT<- predict(metamodel,S_BT,'UK',checkNames=F) filled.contour(S_BT_dim,S_BT_dim,matrix(predictions_BT$mean,N_BT_dim,N_BT_dim),xlab='X1',ylab='X2',main='Prediction du metamodele',color.palette=heat.colors) filled.contour(S_BT_dim,S_BT_dim,matrix(abs(Y_BT - predictions_BT$mean),N_BT_dim,N_BT_dim),xlab='X1',ylab='X2',main='Erreur du metamodele PG (valeur absolue)',color.palette=heat.colors) # ###### Computation of Q2 on BT ######### Q2 <- function(y,yhat) 1-mean((y-yhat)^2)/var(y) Q2_BT = Q2(Y_BT,predictions_BT$mean) # Computation of Q2 on the test basis #### Results' display #### print(paste('Number of points in the test basis:',N_BA)) print(paste('Inputs space dimension:',d)) print(paste('Q2 on the test basis:',Q2_BT)) library(lhs) #### Learning basis and test basis #### N_BA <- 150; ## Number of points in the learning basis d <- 3; ## Inputs space dimension S_BA <- randomLHS(N_BA,d) ## Construction of the learning basis ## S_BA : inputs for the learning basis ## Y_BA : corresponding outputs of the emulator S_BT <- randomLHS(100,3) ## Construction of the test basis ishigami <- function(X,coeff){ ## Analytical Function of Ishigami for scaled inputs => inputs in [0:1] ## Ishigami function : Y = sinX1+a*(sinX2).^2 + b*X3.^4*sinX1 for Xi ~ U[-pi;+pi] ## with a = coeff(1); b=coeff(2) ## Generally : coeff = [7 0.1]; X <- 2*pi*X-pi sin(X[,1]) + coeff[1]*sin(X[,2])^2 + coeff[2]*X[,3]^4*sin(X[,1]) } coeff_fx_test = c(7, 0.1) Y_BA <- ishigami(S_BA,coeff_fx_test) Y_BT <- ishigami(S_BT,coeff_fx_test) #### METAMODELING #### library(DiceKriging) metamodel <- km(formula=~1,design=S_BA,response=Y_BA,covtype="matern5_2") plot(metamodel) # Affichage des resultats ## Computation of Q2 on the test basis Q2 <- function(y,yhat) 1-mean((y-yhat)^2)/var(y) prediction <- predict(metamodel, S_BT, 'UK', checkNames=FALSE)$mean Q2_BT<-Q2(Y_BT,prediction) print(paste('Q2 sur Base de test :',Q2_BT)) ## Computation of Q2 by cross validation prediction_LOO <-,'UK')$mean Q2_LOO<- Q2(Y_BA,prediction_LOO) print(paste('Q2 sur Base de test :',Q2_LOO)) library(sensitivity) library(boot) library(numbers) #### Estimation of first-order and total Sobol' indices #### # Building of the gaussian process metamodel used to compute Sobol' indices f <- function(x) predict(metamodel,x,type='UK',checkNames=FALSE)$mean ## Computation of Sobol' indices by SobolEff Janon et al. (2014) n <- 10000 sample1 <- data.frame(X1=runif(n,0,1),X2=runif(n,0,1),X3=runif(n,0,1)) sample2 <- data.frame(X1=runif(n,0,1),X2=runif(n,0,1),X3=runif(n,0,1)) indices.sobol <- sobolEff(f,sample1,sample2,order=1) indices.sobol.totaux <- sobolEff(f,sample1,sample2,order=0) indices.sobol indices.sobol.totaux ## Computation of first- and closed second-order Sobol' indices with replicated designs indices.sobol.rep.o1 <- sobolroalhs(model = f, factors = 3, N = 10000, order = 1, nboot=100) print(indices.sobol.rep.o1) plot(indices.sobol.rep.o1) indices.sobol.rep.o2 <- sobolroalhs(model = f, factors = 3, N = 10000, order = 2, nboot=100) print(indices.sobol.rep.o2) plot(indices.sobol.rep.o2)